After a quick lunch, we were back outside. The girls started out with an old favorite of mine, Minnow catching. All you need is a sieve and some bread & they just seem to swim right in. Some things never change.

Once all the minnows were caught, or at least the little tub was full it, was back to the waters for more canoe rides. Hard to believe Cameron was afraid to go out in the canoe only a day earlier!

Then finally, it was Daddy's turn to get wet. As you may gather by the look on his face, he REALLY enjoyed the cold Maine water. ha ha...
Oh & just in case you couldn't clearly see the look on his face, even if you clicked on the image to get the full size picture, here it is again. Close up.

And finally, one more canoe trip to finish out the late afternoon sun.
It was a fun day that's for sure. Jordan & I managed to get a bit of a sunburn and we were all worn out by the end of the day. And what a beautiful end of the day it was!

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