For the most part it was the usual crowd of people this year. Sadly Dave's grandmother was unable to make the trip (she's 93) nor was his uncle Jerry as well as some other family members. However those that did make it enjoyed a beautiful day with great friends and great food.
The day wouldn't be complete without a trip to the beach - which is just down the street! It was extreme low tide when we got there, the girls were jumping from rock to rock.
Cameron went in for a dip while Jordan did what most 17 year old girls do, and talked to her boyfriend on the phone.
Our time with Dave's family was short this year. Only one full day with them really. I missed having time to walk on the beach & to take my usual 15o million pictures of the girls. I have had some really great shots of them playing on the rocks over the years. I wanted to take some more using my new camera but just ran out of time. The sad thing is, with Jordan starting college next fall, I'm not sure what the future holds for us either...
One thing is for certain though, the weekend is all about family & friends. Time to take a break and have some fun with those that
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