Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New class!

I signed up for a digital scrapbooking class over at www.jessicasprague.com. I was unsure if I wanted to take the class as I'd been muddling around with Photoshop Elements for a few years now and I was afraid the class wouldn't teach me much. Now that I'm up & running with my brand spanking new copy of CS3, (THANKS TOM!) the class couldn't have been better timed. It's really helping me learn the differences and some tricks I didn't know about in CS3. And that's only day 1! My love afair with CS3 continues to grow...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Meet the newest member of our family!!

That's right, it's official! The paperwork was signed by a judge on September 3rd and Jordan legally became Dave's daughter. How cool is that?!? We are all very happy and Jordan is busy changing all of her records and documents to reflect her change of parentage. I was very touched by the gesture when Dave suggested it a few months ago. I mean, we've felt like a family the whole time, Jordan has called Dave "dad" since the day we got married - but it was always there, the subtle difference in that he was not her official father, and her name didn't match the rest of ours. Now it does and she couldn't be more pleased, but underneath the name is where the real significance lies. To Jordan, it's a father who actually wants her. It brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it. I'm very happy for her.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm in love

I downloaded photoshop CS3 today. I only have the 30 day trial but wowzer. If I had an extra $600 laying around, this puppy would be mine! It's not so much that I can't do some of these things with my copy of Elements but it's just so much easier with CS3. I took a mediocre picture of Jordan and turned it in to a photo that I really love.



Nice, huh?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


A friend from high school sent me this. What can I say... It cracked me up.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st day of school

Today is Cameron's first day of Kindergarten & Jordan's first day of Senior year. As Jordan pointed out, it's the first and only time they'll be on the same school schedule. Unfortunately, Cam and I were on our way out the door to meet the bus just as Jordan was getting in the shower, so there's no picture of the two of them together.

Amazingly enough, I didn't cry as the bus pulled away! I walked home & made sure Jordan had confirmed her ride arrangements for school, made fun of her because her hair was wet still and promised I wouldn't take pictures of her getting in to her friend Tyler's truck. She did pose with schedule in hand for a couple of shots for me though. Good girl that she is.