Monday we woke to cold rain. Um.. this
is Florida, right? Sure couldn't tell by the weather. We donned our Mickey Ponchos and set off for the park. We had dinner reservations for the Princess dining in Norway so Cameron wore her Princess Aurora dress, weather be damned.

We spent most of the day riding rides in the front section of Epcot. There are lots of little rides and things to do in The Land Pavilion. Unfortunately when it rains, it gets packed! We got a fast pass for Soaring and set off to find other things nearby. Normally you can get right on the quirky little boat ride through the gardens - after all, most kids aren't at Disney to see 7lb lemons or tomatoes growing upside down right? Today, we had to wait about 20 minutes. I have to admit, I love this little ride! I just want to hop off and figure out how to replicate their success in my own garden. Were it not for the hours of complaining I'd endure, I'd sign up for the 45 minute walking tour in a heartbeat!
The 7 seas Pavilion is also a favorite. The Finding Nemo ride is fun and even in the rain, the line wasn't bad at all. It took longer to walk in than it did to wait our turn. Then, when you get off the ride, you're able to tour the huge aquariums they have set up there. I tell you, I could stay there all day.
We got to ride Mission Space and Test Track with a few trips to the big golfball and it's Spaceship Earth ride in between. They've changed that ride a bit in the last few years. It's more interactive now. It takes your picture and puts you in a mock up of your chosen future world. You can listen to the recording in a bunch of different languages. We played it "straight" the first time, then all subsequent rides we tried to take silly pictures or listened in a language we couldn't understand. Mature, right?
As dinner-time approached, we made our way back to the World area, sloshing through puddles and dodging rain. Jordan's jeans were wet up to the knees, all of our shoes were soaked through... Not much fun. We were a bit early for our reservation time so we went through the boat ride in Mexico and watched the movie in China. We met up with Mulan & Mushu while in China.

I have some really funny shots on my photo Pass card (haven't purchased them yet) of Mushu proposing to Jordan. After I get over the sticker shock and buy the pictures I'll post those too. lol. So anyway, finally it's time for our reservation at Norway. We slosh in and get our ponchos off and the girls have to go pose with a Princess for the photos that come with the meal. I really, really wanted to have a good photo this year because 2 years ago, the one with Cinderella really stunk. Unfortunately Cameron was all damp and frizzy and Jordan was soaked up to the knees and wearing a dirty, ripped sweatshirt. A good picture just wasn't in the cards. The one the Disney photographer took came out better, but not by much Oh well. They're my girls and I love them.

The meal included an appetizer buffet and your choice of entree.
I'd gotten some fruits & cheese from the buffet for Cameron and she was gnawing on some bread when it happened. Mere moments after this picture was taken. Those huge Brown eyes look at

me from across the table and she hands me something. "What is this?" I asked her. "MY TOOTH" She wailed. "Your tooth?!?" I repeated "I didn't even know it was loose!" "Neither did I" she sobbed. Blood was pouring out of her mouth by this time and let me tell you, a rain soaked princess, crying and bleeding is
not a pretty sight. I worked at calming her and stopped the bleeding and let me tell you, not a second too soon either. Just as I finished mopping up the last tear, Ariel showed up. Seeing as you only get a few moments with each Princess, then they're off to the next table, it was going to be really awful if we were still covered in tears & blood.

The remainder of the meal was un eventful. It was still raining when we finished up so we decided to just head for home for the night.